Kew Gardens Series

Looking at botanical plants and the scenery of the famous Kew Gardens in London. My love of plants helped push me to create a range of pieces in mediums ranging from coloured pencil to acrylic paints. 


Cactus- Coloured pencil on black construction paper

White Cactus- Wax oils mounted on to black construction paper

Flower- Chalk on craft board

Duck- Wax oils on craft board

Lotus Flower- Watercolours and coloured pencils

Red Flower- Promarkers on cotton and then ethanol wash to disperse colours

Pink Flower- Promarkers on cotton and then ethanol wash to disperse the colours

White Flower- Chalk on cardboard

Statue 1Watercolour background mounted onto carboard with chalk to create the statue

Statue 2- Wax oils on craft board

CollumsAcrylic background with chalk for the building on craft board

Squirrel- Oil pastels

FlowersRed flowers: acrylic paint on cardboard with a foam block print and Blue Flower: acrylic paint on craft board

Bee by a Flower- Acrylic paint on craft board

Branches- Acrylic paint background on cardboard with a foam block print


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