Cultures Series

Looking at different cultural art styles to create a range of pieces with a mixed media approach. This project reinforced my love from handcrafts, such as origami, and evermore enforced my appreciation of all different cultural art forms. 

Totem Pole- Coloured pencil on black construction paper

Dreamcatcher- watercolours with coloured pencil

Dreamcatcher Print- Using 'Dreamcatcher'. Edited using photoshop

Bear with Fish- Pencil sketch

Bear with Fish 2- Poster paint. Based on Northwest Coast Art

Pot- Sketched on black construction paper using white pencil

Pot 2- Traced from 'Pot' and then drawn into using promarkers. Looking at Islamic art for inspiration for the pattern design

Lion with Acetate OverlayLion drawn on parcel paper, using coloured pencil, with an acetate ovelay which has an Islamic stlye design on it, which was created using promarker

Batik Landscape- Looking at Japanese art, a batik on cotton with fabric dyes

Butterfly WingTissue paper with glue to create a translucent background with inks

Origami Pieces and PrintUsing origami paper I folded the pieces so I could understand what sections of the paper were visible when folded as I wanted to add graphics to the pieces. I developed the print by scanning the origami in and then editing it using Photoshop

Origami GraphicsButterfly: The butterfly was created using tissue paper and glue as a backing and then using drawing inks to colour in the individual sections so it has a translucent appears just like a butterfly wing does. The Crane: I used drawing inks on paper to paint the individual sections

Mount Fuji- Wax Oils


Mount Fuji 2- Using 'Mount Fuji' to create a foam board stamp. Printed onto cotton using fabric paints


Fish- Watercolour fish with coloured pencil exploring Japanese art style

Watercolour Fish- watercolour on parcel paper with coloured pencils

Kimono PortraitDrawn using transfer dyes then printed onto polyester (see 'Kimono Portrait 2')

Kimono Portrait 2- Polyester with heat transfer dyes


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